From concept to completion, we are there for every step.


Write it.

While we can and will help you with all of the confusing, intimidating and daunting parts of developing and producing your project, we can’t do anything until you write it down.

Every journey begins with a single step.

We do have some guidelines for submission to the Briefcase, but they are simple and should never keep you from thinking you can do it.

Our goal is never to take over your project, but once our guidelines are met, we have a simple process to help get you and your project to the next steps.

Script Stacks

Blow it out.

Not every idea that hits the page is necessarily ready to jump into production.

We realize that this is hard for some creatives to hear and we realize that not every creative wants to hear it.

A lot of times this means looking at an overall strategic trajectory for your project and deciding what the right path for your particular project may be.

Our strategies begin with analyzing your goals for your project, the market you want to enter with your project and what we feel is the best way to help get you there.


Get it made.

Surprisingly, a lot of content ideas being generated by today’s creators, while eventually intended for more traditional production and distribution, are often too big or too wide of a concept to jump right into making a film.

We are not afraid to tell you this and we are not here to simply take your money and watch you fail.

A lot of creator concepts today are ripe for development as a larger piece of intellectual property intended to be developed, produced and distributed through non-traditional methods prior to making a film. This increases value. Of course, some projects should just be made and we help there, too.